45 Years Within Human Services: Reflections and Where We Go From Here
45 Years Within Human Services: Reflections and Where We Go From Here, November 2022
Frank L. Bird, M.Ed., LABA, BCBA, CDE®
Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer
Throughout my career, the individuals I have met and worked with have taught, inspired, and changed me. I have been most impressed with the perseverance shown by people who are learning to live and learn to overcome obstacles they face as they navigate their disability, sometimes on their own, and often with the support of family members, loved ones and community helpers. I have learned to be a better educator, clinician, administrator, and advocate. Frequently I have been asked “why” I chose to work within human services and my response is simple: “There is no greater satisfaction than supporting individuals who deserve a chance to learn to become more independent and have the opportunity to a life that is purposeful and satisfying.” There is no doubt they have given me a sense of purpose in my career and life.