Melmark New England serves children, adolescents, and adults with cognitive, behavioral, and emotional health problems due to a diagnosis of autism, intellectual or developmental disabilities. The children’s day school and residential program serve males and females, ages three to 22. Adult clients (22+) are served in the community-based adult day program at The Cancro Center for Adult Services.
We serve individuals with diagnoses including:
- Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Other neurologically-based disorders that result in a significant neurobehavioral challenge
- Dual Diagnosis
- Challenging Behaviors
Application and Referral Process
Melmark New England accepts applications for admission from the student or individual’s family and/or as a referral packet from a school district or other public entity.
Families may request admissions and program tour information by contacting the Admissions Department.
Applications and referral packets are reviewed promptly to determine if the applicant is appropriate for our program and if an opening exists in his/her age range. If the individual is deemed appropriate for a pending opening, the applicant is evaluated in-person. If all applicable requirements are met, the applicant may be accepted. If an opening is not available, the applicant will be placed on a waiting list pending an appropriate opening.
For more information, contact:
461 River Road
Andover, MA 01810
Melmark New England will inform each individual residing at Melmark New England and the individual’s parent, guardian or advocate, of the individual’s rights upon admission and annually thereafter, as follows:
Melmark New England (MNE) provides all students with equal access to services, facilities activities and benefits regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or homelessness.
Children's Admissions FAQs
Who do you serve?
Melmark New England serves children and adolescents with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders, acquired brain injury, intellectual or developmental disabilities with behavioral challenges. The children’s day school and residential programs serve individuals, ages three to 22.
Can I arrange to tour the school?
Due to the unique needs of the children we serve, tours of the school are only offered for active referrals. Please contact in the Admissions Department to schedule a tour.
Once a child is accepted for placement, how long will it be before he or she is admitted?
Depending upon receipt of all necessary documents, funding commitment and available program openings, the period from acceptance to admission varies, based on a number of factors. We work with families and funding sources to make each admission a smooth transition for the child, as well as the family or caregiver.
What teaching methods do you utilize?
Melmark New England utilizes Applied Behavior Analysis and all its evidence-based interventions across our day and residential school settings. IEPs for children is predicated on the use of ABA methodology.
Additional services:
Students may receive comprehensive services that include integrated physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, and 24-hour on-campus nursing services.
How many days per year is your program offered?
Melmark New England offers a 12-month (237-day) school year calendar with 10 holidays and three school vacation weeks for day students. Residential students receive a 12-month (241-day) school year with 10 holidays and two school vacation weeks. Residential students also receive 24/7 educational skill care in group homes during no school periods. Residential students and families do work towards having one weekend per month with their families at home, and two weeks per year during school closing periods.
Do you provide transportation to and from Melmark New England?
Children enrolled in the day school program obtain transportation from their school districts, or in some cases, are transported by their families. Children enrolled in the residential program are transported to and from school by program staff in program vehicles.
What is the staff-to-student ratio?
Melmark New England maintains a high staff-to-student program ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 ABA staff-to-student ratio, if designated by the IEP. All staffing and support ratios are individualized to the specific needs of a child. Staffing levels vary depending upon the needs of the children served.
Who funds placement?
Funding sources for students are: school districts, behavioral health managed care organizations, and other limited public-funding sources. Please contact the Director of Admissions for specifics regarding your funding options.
Do you have immediate openings?
Melmark New England offers a rolling admissions process. The Admissions Department maintains a waiting list and fills openings depending upon the availability of space within each program and appropriate residential options, if necessary.
If I do not have a referral from the school system, can I still inquire?
Yes. Melmark welcomes all inquiries. If necessary, Melmark admissions staff will help explain the referral process. Contact the Administrator of Program Services to discuss this process and/or to reserve your place at an information session.
Can my child/family member be considered for admission if I live outside of Massachusetts?
Yes. Melmark accepts referrals from throughout the United States. Melmark New England can only accept Massachusetts-funded referrals by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services.
How is the application process for admission initiated?
Once an opening is identified, the screening/application process can begin with a tour of the program to determine if appropriate, based on current enrollment, staffing, and clinical requirements. An application is completed, and healthcare/educational/clinical screening follows, along with a parent/guardian interview. Melmark New England provides families with a detailed family handbook that outlines parameters and expectations between Melmark New England and the individual’s family. The handbook also includes consents and acknowledgments for the provision of services.
Adult Program Admissions FAQs
Who do you serve?
Melmark New England serves adults with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders, acquired brain injury, or intellectual or developmental disability. Adults (22+) are served in the community-based adult day program at The Cancro Center for Adult Services and/or in an adult group home.
How are adult services funded?
Funding streams for adult services can include public and private sources including:
- MA Department of Developmental Services
- SSDI, Veteran benefits, and other governmental funding sources
- Personal and Special Needs Trusts
- Insurance/Legal settlements
- Private Pay
What is the staff-to-individual ratio?
Melmark maintains a high staff-to-individual ratio. Ratios vary across programs, depending upon the needs of the adult. Specific staffing ratios are reviewed as part of the admissions process and are periodically evaluated after admission.
Can my loved one be considered for admission if I live outside of Masachusetts?
Yes. Melmark New England accepts referrals from throughout the U.S.
Once an individual is accepted into the Adult Program, how long will it be before he or she is admitted?
Depending upon receipt of all necessary documents, funding commitment and available program openings, the period from acceptance to admission varies, based on a number of factors. We work with families and funding sources to make each admission a smooth transition for the adult, as well as for the family or caregiver.
Is your adult program year round?
Yes. Melmark New England maintains year-round programs for adults.
How is the admissions process initiated?
For Adult Day Programs or Adult Residential Programs, a referral must be made by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services area office to Melmark New England. Family members should work with their transition coordinator or service coordinator to have a referral sent to the admissions office.