The Use of Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) in the Treatment of ASD and Catatonia: An Example of a Data-driven Approach

Melmark authors contribute to the Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT) Newsletter

The article, The Use of Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) in the Treatment of ASD and Catatonia: An Example of a Data-driven Approach is written by Frank Bird, Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer at Melmark and is now available!


In this installment of Perspectives, Frank Bird, MEd, BCBA, LABA shares an experience with a long-term residential client who dramatically declined behaviorally, ceased engaging in preferred tasks, engaged in life-threatening self-injury, and was entirely unresponsive to treatment. Few remaining alternatives for treatment seemed available. A medical consult yielded a controversial treatment option for catatonia, which had been recently raised in published articles and in some clinical circles. The suggestion that Electroconvulsive Treatment (ECT) be used to treat the deteriorating course was very unfamiliar to the team. Some staff were afraid it was a punishment-based procedure and were entirely uncomfortable with shock administered as a consequence. As more information became available, and as deterioration continued, ECT was initiated. As you will read, it saved this individual’s life and restored his purpose and capacity for enjoyment. This account may help others who treat those most severely impacted by autism.
-Dr. Mary Jane Weiss, Board Member

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