The 10th Dream Maker’s Ball Helps Dreams Come True for Those Living with Autism and Other Intellectual Disabilities
The 10th Dream Maker’s Ball Helps Dreams Come True for Those Living with Autism and Other Intellectual Disabilities
Melmark Pennsylvania is celebrating 56 years of being a premier special needs human services organization. At its 10th biennial fundraising gala, The Dream Maker’s Ball: Planting The Seeds for Tomorrow, more than $490,000 was raised to support Melmark’s mission.
On a night that featured Trang Do, former CBS3 news anchor, as master of ceremonies, a formal dinner and silent and live auctions, 200 guests also enjoyed live entertainment from Del’s Groove. The funds raised from ticket sales, sponsorships and the auctions will go toward enhancing the lives of individuals with autism, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families who receive exceptional evidence-based and applied behavior analytic services in our day and residential programs.
The highlight of the evening, held on October 23rd, was the award ceremony, honoring area residents for their philanthropy and commitment to Melmark. The Good Neighbor Award was given to Allan Myers, a self-performing heavy civil construction and construction materials company based in Worcester, Pennsylvania. The Good Neighbor Award recognizes those organizations that are champions for mission-centered work aligning with Melmark’s focus.
The Golden Hero Award was presented to Dennis McAndrews, Esquire, of McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, Ryan and Marone P.C. McAndrews has worked tirelessly throughout his career to fight for the rights of individuals with autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities. He has represented parents, guardians, children and adults to ensure each receives appropriate services. Dennis has selflessly advocated for and supported families affected by disability, not only at Melmark, but throughout a number of Pennsylvania communities.
Finally, the Humanitarian Award was presented to the steadfast volunteers (who put in more than 40 years of service) of the Melmark Service League. This award honors those individuals who, through their selfless acts of compassion, understanding and public service, share Melmark’s ongoing mission to improve the lives of all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and autism.